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Saturday, November 23, 2013

If you have dry skin, you already know that you need dry skin care tips that actually work. Not only is dry skin uncomfortable with its tightness, but it's also embarrassing when your skin is flaking and looks rough. However, many causes of dry skin are not due to problems with your skin or the way that you take care of it. According to Skin Care Campaign's website, somewhere between fifteen and twenty percent of a general practitioner's patient load comes from skin diseases that have nothing to do with the patient's ability to care for their skin. Does this sound like you? Possible causes of dry skin The truth is that dry skin care is generally a reactionary process. You feel tightness, you itch - you try to find something to make these feelings go away. However, knowing the causes of your dry skin can help to make the proper choices or seek medical attention when needed. Dry skin can be caused by the following things: ?Eczema - This skin irritation is a condition in which the skin does not perform its necessary duties of protecting the skin's elasticity and ability to block out bacteria and other irritants.

This leads to cracking and peeling of the skin, however, the cause is not generally agreed upon. ?Psoriasis - This is another condition in which the skin is unable to turn over cells in an appropriate manner, leading to dryness and flakiness of the skin's appearance and feel. Again, the cause for this is unknown. ?Contact dermatitis - This can include a wide range of causes, making it difficult to narrow down the exact irritant. This condition occurs when you touch something and then your skin reacts to it. You might have an adverse reaction that causes a serious medical reaction or you may just notice itching and dryness. This can also be a short term affliction or one that is longer term. Common irritants are: poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, chemicals, toxins, etc. ?Environmental conditions - Others find that blowing winds or lowered humidity conditions can also lead to dry skin, typically in the cooler months. ?Lack of moisture in the body - When someone does not drink enough water, they can also suffer from dry skin. Of course, there are some medical conditions in which the body is more prone to dehydration and thus dry skin conditions. ?Heredity - And then there are some that suffer from dry skin because that's just how their skin reacts when it's in the world. Symptoms of dry skin and diagnosing your skin's condition Dry skin seems to be fairly simple enough to diagnose. The common symptoms are: ?Callouses ?Dryness ?Flakiness ?Cracks and fissures in skin ?Redness ?Chapped skin ?Soreness ?Raw feeling ?Tightness To determine whether or not you need dry skin care, you can look for these signs or you can also do a test to see what kind of skin you have. Start by washing your face as you normally do in the morning, patting it down with a towel when you are done. But instead of applying any other lotions that you normally would, wait for about twenty minutes. When you are done, look at your skin and see where the dry patches are. If you do not see any, chances are good that you don't have dry skin. But if you have dryness and flakiness in areas, you will need to work on dry skin care options. Caring for this dry skin Of course, the main concern that women and men with dry skin have is how to treat it. With more than one in four people reporting dry skin, it's imperative to create a full plan of attack against the irritating dryness and possible infection from itching and scratching. Here are some simple steps that you can use when devising a dry skin care routine: ?Drink more water each day ?Make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes some healthy fats ?Wash the face only twice a day ?Use gentle, soap free cleansers ?Wash with warm water, never hot ?Apply a moisturiser to slightly damp skin immediately after washing to seal in moisture ?Try a night time moisturiser to help with severe dryness ?For the body, apply a thick emollient to the skin before bed as well as immediately following a bath when your skin is still damp ?Try water based moisturisers at first, switching to oil based lotions when they aren't working However, if these basic steps aren't helping your dry skin, you may want to talk to your general practitioner about prescriptions that might be able to help you. You might also have an underlying medication condition that is being indicated by your dry skin - and that will need to be addressed by more than just dry skin care.

Dry Skin And Dry Skin Care

If you have dry skin, you already know that you need dry skin care tips that actually work. Not only is dry skin uncomfortable with its tightness, but it's also embarrassing when your skin is flaking and looks rough. However, many causes of dry skin are not due to problems with your skin or the way that you take care of it. According to Skin Care Campaign's website, somewhere between fifteen and twenty percent of a general practitioner's patient load comes from skin diseases that have nothing to do with the patient's ability to care for their skin. Does this sound like you? Possible causes of dry skin The truth is that dry skin care is generally a reactionary process. You feel tightness, you itch - you try to find something to make these feelings go away. However, knowing the causes of your dry skin can help to make the proper choices or seek medical attention when needed. Dry skin can be caused by the following things: ?Eczema - This skin irritation is a condition in which the skin does not perform its necessary duties of protecting the skin's elasticity and ability to block out bacteria and other irritants.

This leads to cracking and peeling of the skin, however, the cause is not generally agreed upon. ?Psoriasis - This is another condition in which the skin is unable to turn over cells in an appropriate manner, leading to dryness and flakiness of the skin's appearance and feel. Again, the cause for this is unknown. ?Contact dermatitis - This can include a wide range of causes, making it difficult to narrow down the exact irritant. This condition occurs when you touch something and then your skin reacts to it. You might have an adverse reaction that causes a serious medical reaction or you may just notice itching and dryness. This can also be a short term affliction or one that is longer term. Common irritants are: poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, chemicals, toxins, etc. ?Environmental conditions - Others find that blowing winds or lowered humidity conditions can also lead to dry skin, typically in the cooler months. ?Lack of moisture in the body - When someone does not drink enough water, they can also suffer from dry skin. Of course, there are some medical conditions in which the body is more prone to dehydration and thus dry skin conditions. ?Heredity - And then there are some that suffer from dry skin because that's just how their skin reacts when it's in the world. Symptoms of dry skin and diagnosing your skin's condition Dry skin seems to be fairly simple enough to diagnose. The common symptoms are: ?Callouses ?Dryness ?Flakiness ?Cracks and fissures in skin ?Redness ?Chapped skin ?Soreness ?Raw feeling ?Tightness To determine whether or not you need dry skin care, you can look for these signs or you can also do a test to see what kind of skin you have. Start by washing your face as you normally do in the morning, patting it down with a towel when you are done. But instead of applying any other lotions that you normally would, wait for about twenty minutes. When you are done, look at your skin and see where the dry patches are. If you do not see any, chances are good that you don't have dry skin. But if you have dryness and flakiness in areas, you will need to work on dry skin care options. Caring for this dry skin Of course, the main concern that women and men with dry skin have is how to treat it. With more than one in four people reporting dry skin, it's imperative to create a full plan of attack against the irritating dryness and possible infection from itching and scratching. Here are some simple steps that you can use when devising a dry skin care routine: ?Drink more water each day ?Make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes some healthy fats ?Wash the face only twice a day ?Use gentle, soap free cleansers ?Wash with warm water, never hot ?Apply a moisturiser to slightly damp skin immediately after washing to seal in moisture ?Try a night time moisturiser to help with severe dryness ?For the body, apply a thick emollient to the skin before bed as well as immediately following a bath when your skin is still damp ?Try water based moisturisers at first, switching to oil based lotions when they aren't working However, if these basic steps aren't helping your dry skin, you may want to talk to your general practitioner about prescriptions that might be able to help you. You might also have an underlying medication condition that is being indicated by your dry skin - and that will need to be addressed by more than just dry skin care.

Posted at 6:07 PM |  by admin
Skin is a Rose like! When you have born, you were soft, smooth and silky like rose petals. And when you grow, sometimes you may feel after a period of say 30 years or so, your skin turns into some thorns closer to the rose flowers. Your skin sometimes gets roughened due to exposure to Sunlight, polluted air, dry wind, hot and cold weather, rain and chemically polluted water. The skin loses moisture and oils and becomes dry. The pores of oil glands also get blocked by the dusts and dirt. The place of oil glands harbors fungi and bacteria and allows them to grow into scales. Turns Thorny needs removal! White and black heads emerge allowing more of dandruffs, dead cells accumulation on the skin. These will turn into pimples, acnes, psoriasis presenting a shabby skin show on the face, neck, head and scalp.

When it spreads, it may form eczema down the neck any where on the body surface and on the hands and legs. You will understand that this is undoubtedly right time to take care of the skin, a natural coat to the entire body. Skin Care is a routine happy affair! However, skin care starts right from the day of the child's birth. Application of mild soap, baby oil, cold cream, sandal and turmeric powders etc protects a baby in her earlier days. But, skin care needs to be taken more scientifically in the growth period or when found the skin is affected. Removal of dandruff, cleaning and toning up the skin, ex foliating and moisturizing the skin are the regular process in a skin care, if the skin is found to be infected. This is a simple routine work for a beautiful woman to maintain her modesty. 1. Cleansing the Skin: Cleansing is quite indispensable to avoid pimples, acnes and other skin problems. Wash your skin time and again using a mild face wash and wipe off with a clean wash cloth. It is quite essential to get rid of any impurities such as dirt particles and makeup residues before going to sleep so that your skin can breathe properly at night. Use mild cleanser at least twice a day; make sure that it rinses away easily; cause no skin irritation and do not wash away natural body oils too. 2. Toning the Skin: Toners clean the skin further and help in removing any leftovers of particle on the skin. But a toner cools, nourishes, hydrates and freshens up your skin. It tightens up skin and seal up any skin pores opened while deep cleansing the face. Toners must be alcohol-free as they dry off the skin. 3. Ex foliating the Skin Exfoliants get rid of dead cells from the skin, rejuvenate the skin and remove fine lines and wrinkles from the face. After ex foliation, the younger skin that surfaces looks more beautiful and glowing. These products usually have alpha or beta hydroxyl-acids to quicken up the process. But, do avoid the ones that are granular as they tend to damage the new skin. 4. Moisturizing the Skin Like our inner body, our outer skin also needs re-hydration and intake of proper nutrients to keep it healthy. So, treat it with a good moisturizer and a night cream daily that helps the skin to balance and restore any damage that might have occurred. Do you want a single cream that acts as a Skin Cleanser and Toner cum Exfoliant and Moisturizer? Now, it is made thus and available in a single product form in skin care industry. If you start using the miracle cream when you feel so, it is right time and right choice as a single product. Just keep it with you at your bed side. It is an insurance against all odds in skin care.

Skin Care: No Pimples-no Marks-no Wrinkles and No Aging!

Skin is a Rose like! When you have born, you were soft, smooth and silky like rose petals. And when you grow, sometimes you may feel after a period of say 30 years or so, your skin turns into some thorns closer to the rose flowers. Your skin sometimes gets roughened due to exposure to Sunlight, polluted air, dry wind, hot and cold weather, rain and chemically polluted water. The skin loses moisture and oils and becomes dry. The pores of oil glands also get blocked by the dusts and dirt. The place of oil glands harbors fungi and bacteria and allows them to grow into scales. Turns Thorny needs removal! White and black heads emerge allowing more of dandruffs, dead cells accumulation on the skin. These will turn into pimples, acnes, psoriasis presenting a shabby skin show on the face, neck, head and scalp.

When it spreads, it may form eczema down the neck any where on the body surface and on the hands and legs. You will understand that this is undoubtedly right time to take care of the skin, a natural coat to the entire body. Skin Care is a routine happy affair! However, skin care starts right from the day of the child's birth. Application of mild soap, baby oil, cold cream, sandal and turmeric powders etc protects a baby in her earlier days. But, skin care needs to be taken more scientifically in the growth period or when found the skin is affected. Removal of dandruff, cleaning and toning up the skin, ex foliating and moisturizing the skin are the regular process in a skin care, if the skin is found to be infected. This is a simple routine work for a beautiful woman to maintain her modesty. 1. Cleansing the Skin: Cleansing is quite indispensable to avoid pimples, acnes and other skin problems. Wash your skin time and again using a mild face wash and wipe off with a clean wash cloth. It is quite essential to get rid of any impurities such as dirt particles and makeup residues before going to sleep so that your skin can breathe properly at night. Use mild cleanser at least twice a day; make sure that it rinses away easily; cause no skin irritation and do not wash away natural body oils too. 2. Toning the Skin: Toners clean the skin further and help in removing any leftovers of particle on the skin. But a toner cools, nourishes, hydrates and freshens up your skin. It tightens up skin and seal up any skin pores opened while deep cleansing the face. Toners must be alcohol-free as they dry off the skin. 3. Ex foliating the Skin Exfoliants get rid of dead cells from the skin, rejuvenate the skin and remove fine lines and wrinkles from the face. After ex foliation, the younger skin that surfaces looks more beautiful and glowing. These products usually have alpha or beta hydroxyl-acids to quicken up the process. But, do avoid the ones that are granular as they tend to damage the new skin. 4. Moisturizing the Skin Like our inner body, our outer skin also needs re-hydration and intake of proper nutrients to keep it healthy. So, treat it with a good moisturizer and a night cream daily that helps the skin to balance and restore any damage that might have occurred. Do you want a single cream that acts as a Skin Cleanser and Toner cum Exfoliant and Moisturizer? Now, it is made thus and available in a single product form in skin care industry. If you start using the miracle cream when you feel so, it is right time and right choice as a single product. Just keep it with you at your bed side. It is an insurance against all odds in skin care.

Posted at 6:03 PM |  by admin
The amount of melanin in ones body defines the protection that the skin will have from the sun. Those with dark skin have more melanin in their body than the ones with light skin. African American skin care tends to be overlooked for that reason. Dark skin people think that they never need to worry from our powerful sun. This is a common mistake. Black skin care is important at all ages and can be very challenging. Although African American skin is protected more than other skin types, there are basic protection steps that have to be addressed. Let's take a little side trip and talk about melanin. It's a skin pigment which gives color to your skin. If you see a light-skinned person with freckles, what you are seeing is someone with little spots of melanin. A freckle is created by small concentration of melanin. When you become tanned by the sun, what is in fact happening is that the sun triggers melanocytes which are cells in your skin to create more melanin. The melanin moves to the outer layer of skin and creates a darker skin color. What melanin does is protect your skin from sunlight thus aiding black skin care. It also slows down the aging process of your skin. People with black skin tend to look younger than people with paler skin. On the oth

er hand, it does not have the same elasticity as lighter skin. Studies have shown that there are differences in skin barrier function between black skin and white skin. In a study on infants, black infants were shown to have a greater barrier to water loss than did white infants. This is more nourishing to the skin because the water is there to feed the skin. African American skin care is important in all ages. While skin comes in dry, normal, and oily regardless of the color or level of melanin, there are basic fundamental differences in the skin's ability to protect itself. The added melanin creates a barrier to the skin that protects it but at the same time, it also makes it more difficult to have a skin care treatment penetrate deep into the skin. This means that you might need heavier oil as the base of the skin care treatment so that it can treat the skin and yet not be too oily. In different words, your skin does not need more oil quite as much as it needs oil that can work into the layers of your skin. In short, smaller molecules. Fortunately, there is emerging technology that addresses just this problem of creating exact ingredients with small molecules for greater penetration of the skin. The bad news is that only the high end product lines have yet to incorporate this technology, which means higher prices. Pay attention and look for black skin care treatment designed for deep penetration. African American skin care must not be neglected or forgotten. You may have been blessed with the best protection from the sun, naturally. You may look younger than your age. With these blessings there are still some measures that you need to take in order to keep your skin healthy. Research and get the right black skin care treatment that matches the needs of your skin type.

Black Skin Care - African American Skin Care Guide

The amount of melanin in ones body defines the protection that the skin will have from the sun. Those with dark skin have more melanin in their body than the ones with light skin. African American skin care tends to be overlooked for that reason. Dark skin people think that they never need to worry from our powerful sun. This is a common mistake. Black skin care is important at all ages and can be very challenging. Although African American skin is protected more than other skin types, there are basic protection steps that have to be addressed. Let's take a little side trip and talk about melanin. It's a skin pigment which gives color to your skin. If you see a light-skinned person with freckles, what you are seeing is someone with little spots of melanin. A freckle is created by small concentration of melanin. When you become tanned by the sun, what is in fact happening is that the sun triggers melanocytes which are cells in your skin to create more melanin. The melanin moves to the outer layer of skin and creates a darker skin color. What melanin does is protect your skin from sunlight thus aiding black skin care. It also slows down the aging process of your skin. People with black skin tend to look younger than people with paler skin. On the oth

er hand, it does not have the same elasticity as lighter skin. Studies have shown that there are differences in skin barrier function between black skin and white skin. In a study on infants, black infants were shown to have a greater barrier to water loss than did white infants. This is more nourishing to the skin because the water is there to feed the skin. African American skin care is important in all ages. While skin comes in dry, normal, and oily regardless of the color or level of melanin, there are basic fundamental differences in the skin's ability to protect itself. The added melanin creates a barrier to the skin that protects it but at the same time, it also makes it more difficult to have a skin care treatment penetrate deep into the skin. This means that you might need heavier oil as the base of the skin care treatment so that it can treat the skin and yet not be too oily. In different words, your skin does not need more oil quite as much as it needs oil that can work into the layers of your skin. In short, smaller molecules. Fortunately, there is emerging technology that addresses just this problem of creating exact ingredients with small molecules for greater penetration of the skin. The bad news is that only the high end product lines have yet to incorporate this technology, which means higher prices. Pay attention and look for black skin care treatment designed for deep penetration. African American skin care must not be neglected or forgotten. You may have been blessed with the best protection from the sun, naturally. You may look younger than your age. With these blessings there are still some measures that you need to take in order to keep your skin healthy. Research and get the right black skin care treatment that matches the needs of your skin type.

Posted at 5:59 PM |  by admin
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